How To Format Dissertation Citations In The MLA Style Properly

The Modern Language Association is the source of the MLA style of formatting. This style is commonly accepted in the humanities, and used by numerous journals. The formatting that is part of the MLA style is very exact and you cannot assume that the formatting for one particular citation is the same for others. It is not the case at all.

  • A blog citation will require the author’s name to start out with, and the title follows with quotation marks. The blog’s name must be in italics.
  • A book citation will have the author, the title, place of publication, and publisher name as essential
  • However, an article in a book does not have the author of the book, but instead the author of the article. The article’s title is then presented and followed by the title of the book itself.
  • EBooks have their own respective formatting requirements.
  • Journal article citations are different than articles from a book.
  • Magazine articles must have the date of publication.
  • Websites may need the corporate author.
  • YouTube citations are quite unique.
  • Works of art must include the date of composition.

Unfortunately, the list goes on from here. Practically every citation has its own special format. If you have a dissertation that is quite lengthy, with lots of citations involved, you are to be spending quite a bit of time making sure that you have got the proper MLA style. It can be a nightmare, and you may feel that you’re spending as much time on the citations as you did on the research itself. For many graduate students this is a major obstacle. Having the wrong formatting will result in the dissertation being handed back to you for corrections to be made. What is maddening is your research may be perfect. Your MLA formatting is not and you have got to fix it.

There is only so much time in a day and you have other very important assignments needing your attention. This is why you may want to consider having a party do the format for your dissertation. These professionals will charge for services, but the amount of time savings is incredible. If you visit this website you will notice how they are able to take the citation and turn it into the right style for the MLA format. You already done the hard work of research and analysis. You should not be stuck in a situation where, for the want of a quotation mark, you have to go back over the work. Let the professionals on this website do that tedious work for you.

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